Dear Friends and partners!
The year 2020 has been a challenging year unlike any other, but you have adapted, learned, and remained resilient.
We are ending the year up with gratitude for all our safety and protection. We extend appreciation for your un withered support and collaboration throughout this unprecedented year.
As we go into the holidays, may you find the time and space to care for your whole being, body, mind, and soul and be reenergized on the journey toward building a more inclusive and just world?
Our office will officially close on 22nd and will re-open on the 4th of January 2021. Our phones and emails remain open for argent issues that required quick feedback.
We hope that 2021 will be filled with good health, peace, love, joy, and hope.
As we celebrate take this opportunity to become our monthly partner in, empowering women and girls to walk their way out of poverty with dignity your monthly donation will be matched 200% from @GlobalGiving which will multiply our impact
We are grateful and wish you happy holidays